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Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Shelby Words

Shelby here.
hahaha, so you know sometimes when you can't really find a word for something? Well, i've found the solution this problem. MADE UP WORDS
yeah. bam.
so far, here's the vocab that is only found in one dictionary-mine. the ones i can remember at least....
also, im including on the list some of the word me and anju will probably use on the blog
myobie - (my-oh-be) - 'owned' or 'pownage'
uhblegh - (uh-blegh) - not wanting to do something, usually schoolwork related
vialeig - (vi-lee-g) - 'ugh', general disgust
sissy - (sis-see) - anju and i's reference to each other as twin sisters
chubi - (shoo-bee) - male form of 'bitch'
imite - (i-mite) - good night
mmkai - (mm-kay) - okay with a slight drag of words
hedged - (hed-gd) - 'heehee' or a slightly devious laugh
methinks - (me-thinks) - self explanitory. got it from ol' shakespeare!
anay - (an-aa) - a short version of the word 'anyway'
blargleschmidt - (blar-gull-sh-mit) - borrowed from Anju, means basically 'grr'
sniffle8 - (snif-ful-ate) - sniffling in (usually fake) sadness
toe-tally - (toe-tal-lee) - a form of 'totally', said cooler

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